Yelp Marketing
Take the Fast Lane to Yelp VisibilityCategory Targeting
No one knows your ideal customer better than you do. Unlike radio, print, or tv, yelp ads allow for category-specific targeting. This means none of your advertising budget is wasted on irrelevant audiences. Still working on a budget for advertising? That’s okay! You can still set your profile to be category specific so people searching for you organically can find you within Yelp.
Fast Paid Traffic
Unlike organic traffic, paid traffic is a turn-key solution for businesses that need traffic yesterday. Using your well optimized Yelp profile as your advertisement, Yelp ads gets your business in front its users instantly. Results are visible in real-time and best of all, you pick a daily budget that works for your budget.
Yelp Certified Agency
As a yelp certified agency, we can provide insight beyond the typical Yelp advertising customer engagement. Tired of getting those relentless Yelp sales calls? Becoming a part of our agency dashboard removes you from their list. Before launching any campaign, we get access to extensive market research for your business category so you have the most informed campaign possible.
Yelp SEO
Similar to website SEO, a Yelp profile can be optimized to rank better within Yelp. While paid advertising is great short term solution, the long term value of showing up at the top position in your category on Yelp is priceless. Improve your organic rankings within Yelp so you can keep seeing results long after your ad campaign is over.
Get Keyword Specific
Unlike any other kind of advertising, Yelp Ads don’t require months of planning, one long run, and analysis for a “better luck next year” result. Yelp ads offer such a direct pipeline to quick traffic where strategies take days not months to implement, analyze, adjust and optimize. With Yelp’s new keyword targeting platform, you can ensure the leads you are getting are relevant to your business.
All Aimed at One Goal, Leads
Most businesses think more traffic is the solution to a sales problem. In reality, the biggest issue most companies face is a conversion problem. Yelp traffic converts much higher than most other platforms. When people are already coming to Yelp ready to buy, all they need is the right business profile to convince. Between optimizing your Yelp profile and taking advantage of the Yelp advertising platform, you can be buried with new leads in no time.
Check Out a Recent Case Study
Having a Yelp profile for your business is a start but having a well optimized Yelp profile elavates your visibility to the next level. Want to push it even further? Put an advertising budget behind an optimized profile and watch your visibility and engagement explode.
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So, What Are You Waiting For?
Thousands of people are searching for your products or services everyday. Can they find you? Is your online resume impressive enough to get people to make the phone call, fill out that form, purchase that product? We can help you determine if it is or not. Reach out to us and we will give you a full audit of your online presence for free! Call us today or fill out the form on the right.